The Long Caverns: Languages and factions

  1. The Long Caverns
  2. Wandering encounters

Most creatures that have been here a while will speak a limited pidgin of Barcelas, Orcish, and Camprye.

Creatures Faction Languages
Barcelasians Barcelas Barcelas
Carathaxians Barcelas Barcelas, Carathax
Karuat Karuat Camprye
Kelelmien None Many
Mad Elf Barcelas Barcelas, Elvish
Orcs Orcs Orcish (Giant-kin), Anglish
Tenon Haikiutl Haikiutl
Xolome Haikiutl Haikiutl, Camprye

There is a delicate balance of power within the caverns. Everyone is suspicious of strangers or newcomers. But they are also desirous of gaining allies whenever newcomers appear. This is a competitive, closed ecosystem, with each faction competing for space and power, and all for no obvious purpose beyond space and power.

  1. The Long Caverns
  2. Wandering encounters