Gods & Monsters


Gods & Monsters Fantasy Role-Playing

Beyond here lie dragons

Use the “browse” button to search through the list of spells: type some words to find in the title, specify your character’s level, and choose the schools to search through. Once you’re ready to rock, choose “list” to make a list of spells for each school per level, or “spells” for a list of spells and their descriptions by level.

Don’t forget to bookmark the search so that you can come back to it later!


Snap Trick/Snapback

Formula:gestures, ingredients, words
Ingredients:gold thread
Duration:2 minutes per level
Casting time:1 round
Area of effect:10 yard radius per level

The sorceror encloses the item in their hand, casts the spell, and can then call the item back as long as the item remains in the area of effect. If the item is held by another creature, that creature is allowed a willpower roll, at a penalty of 3, to keep the item from snapping. If the sorceror leaves the area of effect but returns before the spell’s duration ends, the item may be snapped.

Snapback snaps the target item back to the location it was at when the spell was cast. The item must be kept by the sorceror after the spell is completed. The destination must remain within the area of effect, and the object must remain in the sorceror’s possession.