The Adventure in Fork: ​Meet Danny Chaverson

  1. ​A night on the town
  2. The Adventure in Fork
  3. ​Arn’s arrival

You may also want to play out a confrontation between Sparkling Danny Chaverson and his entourage, and Meril and his friends. Danny would very much like to know where Eldred has gone; two weeks is a long time for that fine boy to go without his entertainment.

If the confrontation becomes a fight, the player characters should be able to easily take on Danny’s bodyguards. Depending on how they handle it, they may attract the attention of the City Guard. In any confrontation with the City Guard, remember that they will use group effort if it benefits them.

Also, in any fight there will be side bets, as long as there’s enough warning or time to set them up. As the player characters and the bodyguards are sizing each other up, spectators will be sizing up the odds and placing bets, so play that aspect up. This is what Fork is.

Danny Chaverson: (human: 1; Survival 5; Move: 12; Attacks: hand; Defense: +1; Damage: 1d3; Charisma: 13; Intelligence: 12; Wisdom: 11; Agility: 11; Endurance: 11; Strength: 9)

Danny has four bodyguards. Stuart Forager, one of them, is his right-hand man.

Stuart Forager: (Warrior: 3; Survival: 23; Move: 12; Attack: rapier; Defense: +3; Damage: 1d6+1)

And Stuart manages three bodyguards, John Royer, Don Joplin, and Ron Mangel.

Danny’s bodyguards: (Warrior: 1; Survival 8, 7, 7; Move: 12; Attack: rapier; Defense: +2; Damage: 1d6+1)

Danny doesn't play a big role in this adventure unless you want him to. But this encounter could also be a great way of involving the characters in Meril’s plight.

  1. ​A night on the town
  2. The Adventure in Fork
  3. ​Arn’s arrival