Characters: The Blue Sun

  1. The White Rabbit
  2. Characters
  3. Cirkegrad

He is a short, balding man, with blue skin, light blue hair in a fringe around his head, and gold-tinged blue robes flowing behind him.

The Blue Sun is an ancient wizard of Order who has ascended to a higher plane of thought. This world is his pocket dimension, his place of research and solitude. He traverses the sky in thought, pulled in a chariot drawn by hounds of blue glass. Daytime is six hours long. Night is another six hours. He can, however, slow or speed up if he desires it. He may slow to a stop, for example, if something exceedingly interesting is happening on the ground.

He prefers to keep to schedule. If he slows to watch something on the ground, when no one’s looking he’ll speed up quickly to where he should be in the sky.

The blue sun can take on a human form, and does so at night when he leaves the sky and returns to his wife. However, he is the light source for this place, and wherever he is, will be where the light comes from. He isn’t overly bright (so to speak), and can be looked at directly.

“How did you get up there?”

“Years of hard work and clean living.”

“We saw your ‘private collection’.”

“I paid someone off.”

In fact, clean living and hard work is closer to the answer. He carved this domain from the fabric of reality using high level spells and dangerous rituals which have tied this domain to his life force. As long as he remains inside, he will live. If he ever leaves, he will quickly age to his true two thousand-odd years. He created this world 2,267 years ago. It is part of his eternal life ritual, as well as a means of study. The sky itself contains many windows on other worlds. But if he leaves this world, even through those windows, he will age instantly to his true age, dying. He can observe and he can study, but he cannot take part in what he sees.

The Blue Sun: Eclipses

There is a one in six chance per ‘day’ that he will work around the house. On such a day, the sun will not rise. He carries a journal with him at all times.

The Blue Sun is a twenty-sixth level classical sorceror. At 26th level, he has at least 351 spell slots. Remember there is an intelligence maximum to spell levels, and his intelligence is 21.

He has just about any spell he wants. Don’t give him all the spells in the book, after all, some were written in the last few centuries. But if there is a particular spell the characters have been over-using, give him the perfect anti-spell. After all, he wrote the original!


His protections include, but are not limited to:

Ring of Escape: contingent on anyone attacking him. It casts the ‘escape’ spell, at fifteenth level. It has two charges which replenish every twenty four hours.

Bracelet of Dampen Magic: Usable three times per twelve hours, at a low level of effect which means that he can easily overcome it, but lower-level spellcasters will have trouble. It is at fifteenth level. Basically, it reduces all casting levels by five in its area of effect, which is a 50 yard radius centered on the bracelet.

Staff of Ra: the staff has three charges in it; it casts a blinding light and a shield combined into one, and at the ninth level of experience.

On being attacked, if his attackers are low level and he is not in imminent danger of a melee attack, he will activate the dampen magic shell.

He will tend to respond to attacks in kind. He is loathe to cast spells of destruction, especially fire, near his home and library. Many of his books have a permanent Indestructible Object cast on them, but that’s not perfect.

If he incapacitates his opponents, he will not kill them in cold blood unless he feels he must in self-defense. He will summon magical servants to take them to the cavern. He will leave with them any weapons and items, unless they seem exceedingly dangerous to his own life.

Blue Sun (Sorceror: 26; Survival: 75; Move: 11; Attacks: spells; Defenses: spells; Moral Code: Ordered)

Commonly used attack spells include sleep and mage bolt.

The Chariot of the Sun

The Blue Sun may end up inviting a particularly insightful, kind, and intelligent character to ride with him upon the chariot. That’s a bad idea. The chariot leads, during the day, through phases of enlightenment which require much training and experience to understand without going insane.

The great blue stags lead your chariot through the cavern alongside the river. As the chariot picks up speed, the stags slide over the river itself. The wheels of the chariot throw up an arc of water on either side as you follow the river downstream. The roaring falls grow closer. Something over the falls glows a natural green as you skim closer and closer until finally you drop down the falls and into the green and yellow sky of the Azure Vale.

A character who rides upon the chariot must make a Willpower roll or be overcome with distractibility by what they’ve seen. From then on, they will be easily distracted and must make a Willpower roll before taking any action. On a failure they stare off into space, or examine some trivial item.

As the chariot follows the dome of the sky, the green and yellow tendrils part, revealing a hidden and shimmering scene. Behind each tendril is a world, each drop of dew magnifies a scene of wonder, the very air holds worlds beyond worlds on dust motes in a sunbeam. At every turn a new glint sparks your imagination; every sight holds new sights beyond it.

On the plus side, a successful Perception roll will allow the character to know any answer they choose to look for on the chariot journey—but remember that telling anyone else this answer is an action. Further (and subject to the same restriction), the character may choose to make up to Intelligence Learning rolls later. Success means that they can piece together some answer to that question based on what they saw while riding with the Blue Sun.

The effect disappears by a penalty of 1 per day to the Learning roll.

Distractibility is an ailment of strength 0 with an action time of one day. A character with distractibility is thus allowed a daily Willpower roll to throw off their distractibility.

  1. The White Rabbit
  2. Characters
  3. Cirkegrad