Finding the Road: The Paradice Island Lounge

  1. The Pyramids
  2. Finding the Road
  3. The Mountain

If you don’t want the characters to need to head through the forest for several adventures, you can also put some doors in the basement of the Paradice Island Lounge in the adventure Helter Skelter. These doors are one-way. The door to High Road 49 appears in a cave on a snow- and wind-swept mountain, and on the mountain side of the door it is a brittle and beautiful door of ice; after they come through, a gust of wind will blow and it will crumble into ice dust.

Graffiti from previous visitors is carved into the walls of the cave. Some samples:

1. “Beware the man in the dugout canoe” in English.

2. “Joe was here” in Latin.

3. “Let the sleeper sleep” in Elvish.

On the left side of the cave entrance (with an arrow pointing North) is “Black Stag—678 miles” in Anglish. On the right side, with an arrow pointing south, is “The Road—67 miles” in Anglish, Latin, and Elvish.

Snow guardian

The snow guardian is immune to all bladed weapons, even magical ones. It takes double damage from heat-based attacks, however, and half damage from bludgeoning weapons. It can take many forms, although usually it will be a sinister white human-like shape with jagged sticks for hands and dark pebbles across its face. It can also form itself into a snow-drift that can seep through most small openings. Once every three rounds, it can form itself into a bitterly-cold blast of snow which does d8 damage to anyone in its path (an Evasion roll is allowed to avoid any damage). Its path is up to 15 yards long and 3 yards wide; at the end of the round the snow guardian will reform at the end of the blast. During the round that the snow guardian is blasting, it has a bonus of 4 to defense and reactions.

The guardian does not count as a creature for spells (such as mage bolt); guardians are inanimate objects made animate. The heart of the snow guardian is a snow globe from the Paradice Lounge.

The snow whirls around the y-shaped, jagged branches; black stones catch the drift and are forced upwards in a mockery of a human face, and the face atop a twisted and amorphous body. You can feel the cold wind that whips snow around the creature stinging your face and every exposed part of your body.

Snow guardian: (Fantastic: 7; Survival: 33; Movement: 15; Attack: snow fists; Damage: d10+1; Defense: 8; Special defenses: weapon immunity, not a creature; Special attack: snow blast; Size: Huge)

It is about noon when they arrive. South will lead further up the pass until the Song of Tranquility adventure about three miles away. North will lead generally down for forty miles to the base of the mountain, and another five miles to the end of the road. If the characters search the cave entrance and the area around the cave, they’ll find debris from previous travelers: used matchbooks from the Paradice Lounge, empty bags of “potato chips”, and empty beer bottles.

  1. The Pyramids
  2. Finding the Road
  3. The Mountain