Highland: Christianity

  1. No Kings
  2. Highland
  3. Scholarship

Christianity is the major religion of Highland and Great Bend. Christian priests are not generally also prophets, though they can be. They can also be warriors, sorcerors, doctors, politicians, scholars, or simply priests.

The College at Crosspoint is managed by the church.

Christian priests may marry, and women are allowed to be priests, although this is rare. Women are rarely placed in rural areas unless the Bishop or local pastor wishes to stir up the locals.

The highest rank in the church is Bishop. There is a bishop at Crosspoint and at Black Stag. Next is the Pastor. There is a Pastor for each major population area. There are three Pastors in Crosspoint, one in Watertown, two in Black Stag.

Each town substantial enough to be on the map will have a priest.

The church system is the fastest communications network in Highland, which gives the church some small amount of power beyond its religious and canonical power. Officials of the church, including local priests, have legal immunity from secular power. Church officials must be tried within the church. Most church trials will take place in either Crosspoint or Black Stag. By church teaching, canon law takes precedence over mere secular law.

The church vehemently opposes Druidism, which has been pushed south and north in west Highland, and eradicated in east Highland. The church heavily frowns on midwives, but rural priests tend to respect them. They don’t particularly like the community of Calling either, but tend to ignore them.

Most church documents are in Anglish. Ancient is only used in the upper hierarchy for the most important documents, as well as for legal proceedings within the church.

  1. No Kings
  2. Highland
  3. Scholarship