​Specialties: ​Specialty Tracks

  1. ​Specialties
  2. ​Specialty List

The player may choose any combination of specialties (given the correct prerequisites and requirements) as the character progresses in level. Some common “tracks”, however, may be of interest.

Track First Level Third Level Fifth Level Seventh Level
Alchemist: Scholar Alchemy Topical alchemy
Assassin: Assassin Poisoner Contacts
Barbarian: Tough upbringing Combat frenzy or sworn racial enemy Vigilant sleep
Bard: Charismatic or musician Charismatic or musician Charismatic healing Contacts
Battlemage: Cantrips Damaging cantrips Chain spells Use basic weapons
Detective: Acute deduction Foresight Contacts
High Race: Species or nobility Disease immunity Long life
Knight: Nobility Knight’s charge Knight’s steed Knight’s sweep
Martial Monk: Martial artist Fall safely, leaping, or deflect missiles Blind-fighting or climbing Disease immunity
Paladin: Exemplar Charismatic healing, disease immunity, or turn undead Holy weapon or exceptional charisma Animal companion
Ranger: Nature friend Vigilant sleep Animal companion Blind-fighting or two-weapon fighting
Scout: Long distance running Nature friend Vigilant sleep Leaping or climbing
Weaponsmaster: Fighting expert or weapon specialist Two-weapon fighting Two-weapon blitz Deflect missiles
  1. ​Specialties
  2. ​Specialty List