Gods & Pantheons: Sample Spirits

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  2. Gods & Pantheons
  3. Christianity

Celtic Gods

Arawn: Charm, Death, Healing, Plant, Prophet

Brigit: Charm, Fire, Peace, Prophet, War

Dagda: Death, Prophecy, Prophet, Protection, Weather

Diancecht: Death, Fire, Healing, Prophecy, Prophet

Dunatis: Fire, Prophet, Protection, Water, Weather

Druids: Animal, Fire, Plant, Prophet, Weather

Goibhnie: Fire, Plant, Prophet, Protection, War

Lugh: Animal, Fire, Plant, Prophecy, Prophet

Manannan MacLir: Death, Prophet, Protection, Water, Weather

Math: Charm, Fire, Prophecy, Prophet, Protection

Morrigan: Charm, Death, Prophet, Protection, War

Nuada: Order, Prophecy, Prophet, Protection, War

Oghma: Fire, Hearth, Prophecy, Prophet, Protection

Sample Spirits: Greek Gods

Hekate (Witches): Charm, Death, Plant, Prophecy, Prophet

Sample Spirits: Norse Gods

Balder: Charm, Fire, Healing, Hearth, Prophet

Loki: Charm, Fire, Prophecy, Prophet, Trickster

Magni: Prophet, Protection, Sky, War, Weather

Modi: Animal, Prophet, Water, War, Weather

Sif: Animal, Earth, Prophet, Protection, Weather

Thor: Plant, Prophet, Sky, War, Weather

Vidar: Order, Peace, Prophet, Protection, War

  1. Relics and Icons
  2. Gods & Pantheons
  3. Christianity