Lost Castle of the Astronomers: The Deep Forest

  1. The Leather Road
  2. Lost Castle
  3. Kristagna

The forest south of the Leather Road is thick, and smells of autumn. Oak and maple trees form a canopy above the dry ground. Brown leaves crackle as you walk along the rolling hills. Sunlight shines through the trees in beams that shine like spotlights to the ground. You step through ferns and bushes, some flowering in bright blue, others mustard-yellow.

The players might decide to try and triangulate where the castle should be in order to shorten their trip. This is fraught with danger: from nearer, the breasts will not be as obvious as they are from further, especially given that the time frame will be different. The High Divide is a wide set of mountains, and it will be very easy to miss the castle. The southern forest is thick, dark, and completely uncivilized. An Intelligence roll at a penalty of 4 is required to successfully navigate the forest using the instructions from the song if they have good maps. Surveying, map-making, or woodland skills will assist.

The best way to become unlost when lost in the Deep Forest is to go north to the Leather Road. A Perception roll at +8 is required when traveling across the Leather Road to notice it.

  1. The Leather Road
  2. Lost Castle
  3. Kristagna