The House of Lisport: Lisport Manor

  1. Lisport
  2. House of Lisport
  3. Appendix

As you step into the wide alcove between the north and south wings of the empty building, you see that small parts of the masonry have begun to fall. A stone gargoyle, one of its wings broken beside it, stares up at you from the left side of the path. From the grass around it, the gargoyle has been there many years.

“That’s the one that killed old Meril,” says Meril softly.

Above, angels and demons alike gather bird droppings in the alcoves. The wind whistles through the open windows, and just for a moment you see something move in the northern balcony.

The movement was in the bay window/balcony attached to Elizabeth’s old library. It wasn’t the ghost yet, but rather birds, which congregate everywhere in the attic but there most of all.

  1. Lisport
  2. House of Lisport
  3. Appendix