Highland: Human Languages

  1. The High Road
  2. Highland
  3. The Ocean

Anglish and Celtic

Anglish is the most common language used in Highland. It is basically English. There is also Celtic spoken in the northwest among the Celts, and a Germanic language among the barbarian tribes in the northeast.

Human Languages: Ancient

Scholars and sorcerors also use the Ancient tongue, which is a bastardized form of Latin. Because of the relative paucity of Latin texts that survived the Cataclysm, you should feel free to make up Ancient phrases without worrying too much about whether you get the Latin “correct”. There are several English-Latin dictionaries available via web searches.

Human Languages: Frankish

Frankish speakers sometimes travel north from Great Bend to Crosspoint, and can be encountered there or rarely as part of merchant caravans crossing the leather road. Frankish is an old French, in the same way that Frankish is an old, but outside-influenced, English.

Human Languages: Old Roman

While it doesn’t appear to be related to the Ancient tongue, the language of the “traveling Romans of Great Bend” is called “Old Roman”.

  1. The High Road
  2. Highland
  3. The Ocean