Adventure Guide: Wandering Encounters

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These encounter charts cover wide areas, and may be used for general wandering encounters or simply to see what kinds of creatures inhabit those areas and how often they’re likely to be met. You may also find these useful when constructing your own encounter charts for specific areas within these more general areas.

Kinds of Encounters

Chaotic Mist

These creatures will always be encountered within or near a heavy fog.

Fantastic Creatures

Most animal-like fantastic creatures will hardly notice the characters; those that eat livestock might descend upon the characters’ packmounts if they have any, but unless the characters do something stupid to attract the attention of, say, a gryphon, these fantastic encounters will be marvels to tell about having seen when they return home.

Multi-race brigands and travelers

When the encounter is with multi-race brigands, determine how many brigands there are and then roll again on the main table, limiting results to Civilized Peoples and Humanoid Creatures. These two categories should always be next to each other, allowing you to roll a smaller die if possible. For example, on the Offroad to the Long Lakes encounter chart, there will usually be two to seven brigands in a multi-race band. Civilized Peoples and Humanoid Encounters run from 01 to 30 on the Main Table. So rather than rolling d10 and d10 to get a number from one to one hundred, you can roll d3 and d10 to get a number from one to thirty.

If that’s confusing, don’t worry: just use a normal d100 and ignore results which do not indicate Civilized People or Humanoid Creature.

Kinds of Encounters: Undead

Vampires tend to be encountered as one vampire with the rest consisting of vampire slaves. Undead encounters will occur in an appropriate location: phantasms or poltergeists in abandoned homes, ghouls in a cemetery.

Deep Creatures

These creatures tend to be encountered in dark places or caverns, or at night.

Highland encounter notes

Highland encounter notes: Animals

Characters encounter animals all the time, and almost certainly more often than will be indicated on the encounter charts. Rolled encounters are encounters that have significance. So, rather than simply seeing the animals, the animal encounter may somehow impede the character’s progress, provide a comedic interlude, or otherwise impact on the character’s tale.

Many of the animals listed on the charts do not have a corresponding entry in the Encounter Guidebook. Such animals are not normally a threat to the characters.

South of Unicorn Pass, dire wolf encounters only occur in the winter.

Humanoid Creatures

Encounters with Goblins south of the Leather Road are 75% likely to include d4 Hobgoblin leaders. North of the Leather Road, encounters with Goblins are 25% likely to include d3 Hobgoblin leaders. Far north, encounters with Goblins are 15% likely to include a single Hobgoblin leader.


Many of the masquerade encounters also show up elsewhere on the charts. The difference is that masquerade encounters will be with a creature acting as a human. Deity encounters may be with deities acting as just about any creature or thing, as appropriate. The characters may never know they met a werewolf, dryad, phantasm, or god. Such encounters are unlikely to result in combat now, but may set up a later adventure when the characters discover that their acquaintance (perhaps by then a friend) has a secret.

Highland encounter notes: Snakes

Copperheads, watersnakes, and rattlers are standard poisonous snakes.

Highland encounter notes: Cats

There are no housecats in East or West Highland, though feral Egyptian cats exist deep in the Deep Forest. Highland does have bobcats and cougars and, further south, jaguars. Jaguars are called tigers by Highlanders, as the term “jaguar” is unknown.

West Highland

The High Divide

From Hightown Pass to the Dowanthal River there will be villages on the roads and in the foothills of the mountains, but these are small and rare, especially further north. Encounters occur 20% of the time every 12 hours.

The High Divide: Main Table

01-35 Animal
36-68 Natural Encounters
69-82 Humanoid Creatures
83-92 Fantastic Creatures
93-00 Civilized Peoples

The High Divide: Animals

01-02 Rats (d100)
03-17 Bears (d2)
18 Stag (1)
19-28 Wolves (d12)
29-30 Owls (d4)
31-36 Deer (d20)
37-38 Cougars (d2)
39-43 Bobcats (d2)
44 Boars (d2)
45 Jaguars (d2)
46 Eagles (d4)
47-48 Black Widows (d20)
49-53 Dire Wolves (2d8)
54-61 Bats (d100)
62-70 Goats (d20)
71-72 Rams (d4)
73-82 Snakes
83-89 Hawks (d8)
90-92 Dogs (d20)
93-00 Hungry or angry—roll again for kind

The High Divide: Natural

01-15 river in path
16-20 waterfall at path
21-28 lake or pond
29-49 small animal
50-62 swarm or flock
63-64 cliff drop/face blocks path
65-82 light storm (d100 hours)
83-92 heavy storm (d40 hours)
93-95 fog (d20 yard visibility)
96-00 extra hot/cold (d6 days)

The High Divide: Humanoids

01-30 Yeti (d10)
31-50 Hill giants (d10)
51-70 Orcs (d10)
71-85 Goblins (d20)
86-95 Mountain giants (d4)
96-00 Ogres (d6)

The High Divide: Fantastic

01-10 Blood Hawks (d8)
11-27 Killer Toads (d6)
28-29 Pegasi (d4)
30-39 Rocs (d20)
40-49 Faerifolk
50-55 Gryphons (d2)
56-59 Hippogriffs (d4)
60-69 Wyverns (d10)
70-89 Undead
90-95 Demons
96-97 Deep Creatures
98 Phoenix (1)
99 Chaotic Mist
00 Dragons

Civilized Peoples

01-74 Dwarves (d20)
75-94 Men
95-98 Gnomes (2d10)
99 Elves (d4)
00 Halflings (d8)

The High Divide: Men

01-19 Masquerade
20-34 Abandoned village
35-49 Celtic ruins
50-64 European-style ruins
65-79 Farmers (d8)
80-90 Village
91-98 Hermit (1)
99-00 Wandering Celt (d3)


01-43 Werewolves (d4)
44-62 Phantom village
63-79 Wererats (d10)
80-86 Phantasm (1)
87-93 Vampires (d4)
94-99 Werebears (d2)
00 Alamen

The High Divide: Snakes

01-22 Blue Racers (d4)
23-29 Copperheads (d8)
30-76 Garters (d6)
77-87 Watersnakes (d20)
88-91 Rattlers (d4)
92-00 Huge snake (1)

The High Divide: Demons

01-40 Screeching bats (d8)
41-70 Strigae (d20)
71-90 Perytons (d6)
91-98 Blood Puddles (d6)
99-00 Gargoyles (d2)

Deep Creatures

01-20 Oruat (d6)
21-40 Sakmat (d12)
41-60 Karuat (2d4)
61-75 Giant cucumbers (d2)
76-95 Tentamort (1)
96-99 Trolls (d4)
00 Beaked sweepers (d2)

The High Divide: Undead

01-20 Vampires (d6)
21-40 Werewolves (d8)
41-60 Apparition (1)
61-75 Phantasm (1)
76-95 Revenant (1)
96-99 Skeletons (d20)

The High Divide: Faerifolk

01-30 Petraiads (d4)
31-60 Dryads (d6)
61-90 Naiads (d4)
91-96 Brownies (d10)
97-00 Pixies (d20)

Chaotic Mist

01-20 Fire Spiders (d8)
21-40 Pink Horrors (d20)
41-60 Borogoves (d20))
61-75 Mushroom walkers (d6)
76-90 Violents (d6)
91-95 Spinnerets (d4)
96-00 Jabberwock (1)

The High Divide: Dragons

01-29 Fire Dragons (d2)
30-53 Water Dragons (d2)
54-77 Storm Dragons (d2)
78-96 Forest Dragon (1)
97-99 Alamen
00 Erilenian

West Highland: The Roads

When traveling the Low Road (the Leather Road), the Old Road, and the High Road encounters occur about 20% of the time every 24 hours. For Halfling, Elf, and Dwarf, and travelers encounters, see Medium Groups.

On the Low and Old Road encounters with “Caravan” are really with “Merchant”.

The Roads: Main Table

01-45 Civilized Peoples
46-50 Humanoid Creatures
51-79 Natural Encounters
80-96 Animal
97-00 Fantastic Creatures

Civilized Peoples

01-40 Caravan (d20+10)
41-60 Merchants (d6)
61-79 Travelers (d6)
80-93 Brigands (d4)
94-98 Inn and village (d60+4)
99-00 Masquerade

The Roads: Masquerade

01-40 Werewolf (1)
41-55 Vampire (1)
56-80 Apparitions (d6)
81-94 Phantasms (d2)
95-00 Deities (d2)

Humanoid Creatures

01-60 Goblins (d20)
61-90 Orcs (d2)
91-00 Yeti (d3)

Natural Encounters

01-28 light storm (d100 hours)
29-39 heavy storm (d40 hours)
40-48 fog (d20 yards visibility)
49-54 extra hot/cold (d6 days)
55-61 bridge over stream
62-78 swarm/flock
79-82 ghost village
83-96 unbridged stream
97 unmarked tomb
98 part of animal skeleton
99 human skeleton
00 remains of travelers

The Roads: Animals

01-05 Badgers (d4)
06-07 Bull (1)
08-09 Cattle (d20)
10 Bear (1)
11-15 Dogs (d4)
16-26 Deer (d20)
27-29 Horses (d6)
30-36 Stags (d3)
37-45 Wolves (d8)
46-47 Wolverines (d2)
48-50 Bats (d40)
51-52 Eagles (d3)
53-54 Goats (2d10)
55-60 Owls (d4)
61-63 Ravens (d6)
64-68 Rats (d20)
69-70 Rams (d3)
71-75 Skunks (d6)
76-80 Snakes
81-89 Squirrels (d20)
90-91 Weasels (d2)
92 Cougar (1)
93-95 Bobcats (d2)
96-99 Black Widows (d8)
00 Pheasants (d20)

The Roads: Snakes

01-20 Blue Racers (d4)
21-29 Copperheads (d8)
30-80 Garters (d6)
81-94 Watersnakes (d20)
95-99 Rattlers (d4)
00 Huge snake (1)

Fantastic Creatures

01-10 Gryphon (1)
11-19 Unicorns (d3)
20-30 Pegasi (d2)
31-50 Large Spiders (d3)
51-60 Brownies (d20)
61-62 Dryad (1)
63-68 Deep Forest Fantastic Creature
69-75 Pixies (d20)
76-91 Apparitions (d100)
92-97 Poltergeist (1)
98-00 Ghouls (d4)

Offroad to the Long Lakes

Encounter 10% of the time every 24 hours.

Offroad to the Long Lakes: Main Table

01-10 Civilized Peoples
11-25 Humanoid Creatures
26-59 Natural Encounters
60-91 Animal
92-00 Fantastic Creatures

Civilized Peoples

01-26 Farmers (d6)
27-39 Small Village (d50+5)
40-46 Hermit (1)
47-59 Brigands (d4)
59-62 Travelers (d12)
63-65 Masquerade
66-78 Halflings (d20)
79-90 Elves (d20)
91-97 Dwarves (d20)
98-00 Multi-race brigands (d6+1)

Offroad to the Long Lakes: Masquerade

01-40 Werewolf (1)
41-55 Werebear (1)
56-59 Wererats (d4)
60-74 Apparitions (d4)
75-80 Phantasm (1)
81-88 Phantoms (d6)
89-95 Dryads (d6)
96-98 Vampires (d4)
99 Alamen
00 Deities (d2)

Humanoid Creatures

01-60 Goblins (d20)
61-90 Orcs (d20)
91-96 Ogres (d4)
97-98 Trolls (d3)
99-00 Yeti (d3)

Offroad to the Long Lakes: Natural

01-20 light storm (d20 hours)
21-28 heavy storm (d40 hours)
29-35 fog (d20 yards visibility)
36-39 extra hot/cold (d4 days)
40-54 stream in path
55-72 swarm/flock
77-78 Celtic ruin
79-93 lake or pond
94 unmarked tomb
95 part of animal skeleton
96 human skeleton
97-00 remains of small settlement

Offroad to the Long Lakes: Animals

01-05 Badgers (d8)
06-07 Bull (1)
08-09 Cattle (d20)
10 Bear (d2)
11-15 Dogs (d8)
16-26 Deer (d20)
27-29 Horses (d4)
30-36 Stags (d3)
37-45 Wolves (d10)
46-47 Wolverines (d4)
48-50 Bats (d40)
51-52 Eagles (d6)
53-54 Goats (2d10)
55-60 Owls (d4)
61-63 Ravens (d6)
64-68 Rats (d20)
69-70 Rams (d3)
71-75 Skunks (d6)
76-80 Snakes
81-89 Squirrels (d20)
90-91 Weasels (d2)
92 Cougar (1)
93-95 Bobcats (d2)
96-99 Black Widows (d8)
00 Pheasants (d20)

Offroad to the Long Lakes: Snakes

01-20 Blue Racers (d4)
21-29 Copperheads (d8)
30-80 Garters (d6)
81-94 Watersnakes (d20)
95-99 Rattlers (d4)
00 Huge snake (1)

Fantastic Creatures

01-05 Gryphon (1)
06-15 Hippogriffs (d2)
16-23 Unicorns (d3)
24-33 Pegasi (d2)
34-47 Large Spiders (d4)
48-57 Giant Spiders (d8)
58-65 Wererats (d20)
66-73 Werebear (1)
74-90 Faerifolk
91-95 Deep Forest encounter
96 Demons
91-97 Undead
98-99 Underground Creature
00 Dragon

Offroad to the Long Lakes: Faerifolk

01-40 Brownies (d20)
41-60 Dryads (d20)
61-69 Petraiads (d6)
70-80 Naiads (d10)
81-90 Satyrs (d20)
91-94 Pixies (d20)
95-99 Centaurs (d6)
00 Treeherders (d3)

Offroad to the Long Lakes: Demons

01-38 Screeching Bats (d8)
39-70 Strigae (d20)
71-90 Perytons (d6)
91-98 Blood Puddles (d6)
99-00 Gargoyles (d2)

Offroad to the Long Lakes: Undead

01-18 Vampires (d6)
19-42 Werewolves (d8)
43-62 Apparition (1)
63-70 Phantasm (1)
71-80 Revenant (1)
81-84 Skeletons (d20)
85-92 Ghouls (d20)
93-00 Phantoms (d20)

Underground Creature

01-18 Oruat (d6)
19-44 Sakmat (d12)
45-60 Karuat (2d4)
61-75 Giant Cucumbers (d2)
76-92 Tentamort (1)
93-99 Trolls (d4)
00 Beaked sweepers (d2)

Offroad to the Long Lakes: Dragon

01-29 Fire Dragons (d2)
30-55 Water Dragons (d2)
56-70 Storm Dragons (d2)
71-96 Forest Dragon (1)
97-98 Alamen
99 Erilenian
00 Absoloth

The Eastern Foothills

These encounters cover the area around Hightown and Biblyon and somewhat further north. When traveling north of the Leather Road, encounters occur about 20% of the time every 24 hours.

The Eastern Foothills: Main Table

01-10 Civilized Peoples
11-23 Humanoid Creatures
24-62 Natural Encounters
63-91 Animal
92-00 Fantastic Creatures

Civilized Peoples

01-40 Farmers (d6)
41-60 Small Village (d50+5)
61-70 Hermit (1)
71-79 Brigands (d4)
80-95 Travelers (d12)
96-00 Masquerade

The Eastern Foothills: Masquerade

01-40 Werewolf (1)
41-55 Werebear (1)
56-70 Apparitions (d4)
71-80 Phantasm (1)
81-94 Dryads (d6)
95-00 Deities (d2)

Humanoid Creatures

01-60 Goblins (d20)
61-90 Orcs (d2)
91-00 Yeti (d3)

Natural Encounters

01-25 light storm (d100 hours)
26-33 heavy storm (d40 hours)
34-41 fog (d20 yards visibility)
42-49 extra hot/cold (d6 days)
50-62 stream in path
63-77 swarm/flock
78-79 Celtic ruin
80-94 lake or pond
95-96 unmarked tomb
97 part of animal skeleton
98 human skeleton
99-00 remains of small settlement

The Eastern Foothills: Animals

01-05 Badgers (d4)
06-07 Bull (1)
08-09 Cattle (d20)
10 Bear (1)
11-15 Dogs (d4)
16-26 Deer (d20)
27-29 Horses (d6)
30-36 Stags (d3)
37-45 Wolves (d8)
46-47 Wolverines (d2)
48-50 Bats (d40)
51-52 Eagles (d3)
53-54 Goats (2d10)
55-60 Owls (d4)
61-63 Ravens (d6)
64-68 Rats (d20)
69-70 Rams (d3)
71-75 Skunks (d6)
76-80 Snakes
81-89 Squirrels (d20)
90-91 Weasels (d2)
92 Cougar (1)
93-95 Bobcats (d3)
96-99 Black Widows (d8)
00 Pheasants (d20)

The Eastern Foothills: Snakes

01-20 Blue Racers (d4)
21-29 Copperheads (d8)
30-80 Garters (d6)
81-94 Watersnakes (d20)
95-99 Rattlers (d4)
00 Huge snake (1)

Fantastic Creatures

01-05 Gryphon (1)
06-20 Unicorns (d3)
21-30 Pegasi (d2)
31-50 Large Spiders (d3)
51-60 Brownies (d20)
61-68 Dryad (1)
69-76 Pixies (d20)
77-83 Naiad (1)
84-91 Apparitions (d100)
92-97 Poltergeist (1)
98-00 Ghouls (d4)

The Deep Forest

When traveling south of the Leather Road, encounters occur about 20% of the time each day and each night.

The Deep Forest: Main Table

01-03 Civilized Peoples
04-20 Humanoid Creatures
21-60 Natural Encounters
61-89 Animal
90-00 Fantastic Creatures

Civilized Peoples

01-10 Human
11 Elf (d4)
12-29 Dwarf (d20)
30-63 Gnome (d40)
64-00 Masquerade

The Deep Forest: Human

01-25 Adventurers (2d6-1)
26-50 Hermit (1)
51-70 Ancient Ruins
71-85 Celtic Ruins
86-93 Wandering Druid (d3)
94-00 Night Priest (d3)

The Deep Forest: Masquerade

01-30 Werewolf (1)
31-42 Weresnakes (d3)
43-50 Wererats (d10)
51-57 Werebear (1)
58-69 Apparitions (d12)
70-78 Phantasms (d3)
79-87 Dryads (d6)
88-94 Petraiads (d4)
95-00 Deities (d2)

Humanoid Creatures

01-53 Goblins (d20)
54-75 Orcs (d4)
76-90 Ogres (d3)
91-00 Yeti (d3)

Natural Encounters

01-25 light storm (d120 hours)
26-33 heavy storm (d40 hours)
34-40 fog (2d10 yards visibility)
41-48 extra hot/cold (d6 days)
49-58 stream in path
59-64 river in path
65-75 swarm/flock
76 Celtic ruin
77-82 lake or pond
83-87 swamp
88-89 dead forest
90-96 deep valley
97 unmarked tomb
98 part of animal skeleton
99 human skeleton
00 remains of small settlement

The Deep Forest: Animals

01-05 Badgers (d4)
06 Bull (1)
07 Cattle (d20)
08-10 Bear (1)
11 Dire Wolves (d6)
12-15 Dogs (d4)
16-26 Deer (d20)
27-29 Horses (d6)
30-36 Stags (d3)
37-40 Wolves (d8)
41-42 Wolverines (d2)
43-45 Bats (d40)
45-47 Eagles (d3)
48-49 Goats (2d10)
50-55 Owls (d4)
56-58 Ravens (d6)
59-63 Rats (d20)
64-65 Rams (d3)
66-69 Skunks (d6)
70-76 Snakes
77-84 Squirrels (d20)
85-86 Weasels (d2)
87 Cougar (1)
88-89 Jaguars (d2)
90-95 Bobcats (d3)
96-99 Black Widows (d8)
00 Pheasants (d20)

The Deep Forest: Snakes

01-20 Blue Racers (d4)
21-29 Copperheads (d8)
30-76 Garters (d6)
77-90 Watersnakes (d20)
91-94 Rattlers (d4)
95-00 Huge snake (1)

Fantastic Creatures

01-03 Gryphon (1)
04-15 Treeherders (d4)
16-20 Unicorns (d3)
21-25 Pegasi (d2)
26-37 Large Spiders (d3)
38-48 Huge Spiders (d2)
48-50 Carrion Worms (d4)
51-54 Brownies (d20)
55-58 Dryad (1)
59-62 Petraiads (1 or d4)
63-65 Naiads (1 or d20)
66-68 Satyrs (d10)
69-80 Pixies (d20)
81-91 Apparitions (d100)
92-93 Poltergeist (1)
94 Ghouls (d4)
95-00 Chaotic Mist

Chaotic Mist

01-08 Fire spiders (d8)
09-18 Pink horrors (d20)
19-27 Borogoves (d20))
28-35 Hooded dashers
36-40 Mushroom walkers (d6)
41-50 Raths
51-61 Violents (d6)
62-69 Toves
70-78 Pink trumpets
79-81 Jubjub bird
82-88 Crazy crabs
89-92 Spinnerets (d4)
93-94 Jabberwock (1)
95 Mist wraith
96 Cyclopeata
97-98 Bandersnatch
99 Animal
00 Fantastic creature

East Highland

High Divide to Sea Haven

From the High Divide to the Sea Haven. Encounters occur 10% of the time every twenty-four hours. In East Highland, powerful apparitions (such as phantasms) are sometimes called “Edge Demons”.

High Divide to Sea Haven: Main Table

01-45 Civilized Peoples
46-50 Humanoid Creatures
51-81 Natural Encounters
80-95 Animal
96-00 Fantastic Creatures

Civilized Peoples

01-26 Farmers (d8)
27-43 Village
44 Hermit (1)
45-47 Brigands (d20)
48-60 Travelers (d20)
61-76 Merchants (d20)
77-80 Pilgrims (d40)
81-84 Caravan (3d10)
85 Masquerade
86-95 Elves (2d20)
96 Dwarves (d20)
97-99 Multi-race travelers (d6+1)
00 Gnomes (2d6)

High Divide to Sea Haven: Masquerade

01-15 Werewolf (1)
16-55 Wererats (2d8)
56-75 Vampires (d4)
76-95 Phantasm (1)
96 Alamen
97 Erilenian
98 Absoloth
99 Tiemen
00 Deities (d2)

Humanoid Creatures

01-20 Orcs (d10)
21-70 Goblins (2d10)
71-96 Ogres (d4)
97-99 Trolls (d3)
00 Yeti (d3)

Natural Encounters

01-21 light storm (d100 hours)
22-30 heavy storm (d40 hours)
31-40 fog (d12 yards visibility)
41-50 extra hot/cold (d4 days)
51-75 stream in path
76-90 swarm/flock
91-98 lake or pond
99-00 remains of homestead

High Divide to Sea Haven: Animals

01-03 Bull (1)
04-09 Cattle (d20)
10-13 Dogs (d8)
14-19 Deer (d20)
20-24 Horses (d6)
25-26 Stags (d3)
27-35 Wolves (d10)
36-40 Bats (d40)
41 Eagles (d2)
42-54 Goats (2d20)
55-59 Mongooses (d4)
60-71 Owls (d4)
72-73 Bobcats (d2)
74-76 Ravens (d6)
77-90 Rats (d100)
91-95 Rams (d4)
96-97 Snakes
98-99 Squirrels (d20)
00 Cougar (1)

High Divide to Sea Haven: Snakes

01-55 Garters (d4)
56-96 Watersnakes (d20)
97-00 Huge (water) snake (1)

Fantastic Creatures

01-10 Pegasi (1)
11-19 Giant Bats (d12)
20-27 Roc (1)
28-48 Wererats (d20)
49-55 Werebear (1)
56-75 Brownies (d20)
76-85 Dryads (d8)
86-90 Naiads (d12)
91 Demons
92-97 Undead
98-99 Underground Creature
00 Dragon

High Divide to Sea Haven: Demons

01-35 Screeching Bats (d8)
36-69 Strigae (d20)
70-90 Perytons (d6)
91-00 Gargoyles (d2)

High Divide to Sea Haven: Undead

01-21 Vampires (d6)
22-24 Werewolves (d8)
25-47 Apparition (1)
48-62 Poltergeist (1)
63-68 Phantasm (1)
69 Revenant (1)
70-72 Skeletons (d20)
73-86 Ghouls (d20)
87-00 Phantoms (d20)

Underground Creature

01-25 Oruat (d6)
26-44 Sakmat (d12)
45-60 Karuat (2d4)
61-75 Giant Cucumbers (d2)
76-92 Tentamort (1)
93-99 Trolls (d4)
00 Beaked Sweepers (d2)

High Divide to Sea Haven: Dragon

01-25 Fire Dragon (1)
26-55 Water Dragons (d2)
56-77 Storm Dragons (d2)
78-96 Forest Dragon (1)
97 Alamen
98 Erilenian
99 Absoloth
00 Tiemen

Wandering Encounters: The North

The Celtic Valley

The Celtic Valley, far north and protected by the High Divide and the Great Mountains, is mostly immune to invasion, but it has its own special creatures to beware of. Encounters occur 20% of the time every twenty-four hours.

The Celtic Valley: Main Table

01-23 Civilized Peoples
24-32 Humanoid Creatures
33-59 Natural Encounters
60-88 Animal
84-00 Fantastic Creatures

Civilized peoples

01-70 Human
71-77 Elves (2d8)
78-79 Halflings (2d10)
80-95 Dwarves (d20)
96-97 Gnomes (Eastern, 2d20)
98-00 Multi-race brigands (2d8)

The Celtic Valley: Human

01-07 Celt Hut (d6)
08-30 Celt Farmers (d8)
31-60 Tiny Celt Village (d20+5)
61-80 Celt Village (d100+25)
81-90 Celt Town (d1000+125)
91 Druidic Shrine (2d20)
92-93 Wandering Feochán (d3)
94 Brigands (d20)
95-97 Travelers (d10)
98-00 Masquerade


01-05 Phantasm (1)
06-15 Phantoms (d100)
16-36 Werewolves (d8)
37-45 Wererats (d6)
46-80 Werebear (1)
81-83 Vampire (1)
84-88 Petraiads (d4)
89-97 Echo (d3)
98-99 Alamen
00 Deities

The Celtic Valley: Humanoids

01-17 Goblins (3d12)
18-21 Orcs (d12)
22-38 Hill Giants (d12)
39-46 Mountain Giants (d6)
47-51 Storm Giants (d2)
52-59 Yeti (d8)
60-85 Ogres (d6)
86-98 Trolls (d4)
99-00 Splinters (d3)

The Celtic Valley: Natural

01-15 Small stream in path
16-27 Swarm or flock
28-34 Lake or pond
35-38 Unmarked Celtic tomb
39 Unmarked Night tomb
40-45 Animal skeleton or corpse
46-47 Human skeleton or corpse
48 Fantastic skeleton
49-51 Extremely thick forest
52-53 Menhirs or giant’s stairs
54-70 light storm (d60 hours)
71-80 heavy storm (d20 hours)
81-92 fog (2d12 yards visibility)
93-00 extra hot/cold (d8 days)

The Celtic Valley: Animals

01-04 Rats (d100)
05-10 Bears (d2)
11-15 Stag (1)
16-18 Wolves (d12)
19-24 Owls (d4)
25-33 Deer (d20)
34-35 Bobcats (d2)
36 Cougar (1)
37-39 Boar (d2)
40 Eagles (d4)
41-42 Dire Wolves (d8)
43-46 Bats (d100)
47-55 Goats (2d20)
56-58 Rams (d3)
59-63 Snakes (d10)
64-65 Blue Racer snakes (d3)
66 Coppersnakes (d6)
67-72 Hawks (d6)
73-78 Dogs (d12)
79-87 Horses (d20)
88-89 Wolverines (d8)
90-94 Skunks (d6)
95-00 Squirrels (d20)

The Celtic Valley: Fantastic

01-02 Giant Snakes (d2)
03-07 Large Snakes (d4)
8-16 Pegasi (d4)
17-22 Rocs (d20)
23-27 Gryphons (d2)
28-30 Hippogriffs (d2)
31-37 Dragons
38-43 Undead and Demons
44-78 Faerifolk
79-81 Unicorn (d3)
82-83 Giant Bats (d12)
84-91 Large Spiders (d20)
92-97 Huge Spiders (d12)
98-00 Giant Spiders (d8)

The Celtic Valley: Dragons

01-60 Wyverns (d6)
61-76 Cheimon (1)
77-79 Lesser Dragon (1)
80-89 Forest Dragon (d2)
90-94 Storm Dragon (d2)
95-97 Alamen
98 Absoloth
99-00 Erilenian


01-30 Werewolves (d8)
31 Vampire (1)
32-37 Vampire Slaves (d4)
38-49 Ghouls (d20)
50-64 Phantoms (d20)
65-67 Phantasm (1)
68-73 Barrowmen (d6)
74-80 Poltergeist (1)
81-85 Apparition (1)
86 Bean Si (1)
87-93 Gargoyles (d2)
94-98 Perytons (d6)
99-00 Brood of Kerberos (d8)

The Celtic Valley: Faerifolk

01-23 Brownies (d20)
24-33 Petraiads (d8)
34-42 Dryads (d12)
43-49 Naiads (d8)
50-55 Sylphs (d4)
56-66 Satyrs (d20)
67-87 Pixies (2d20)
88-96 Centaurs (d6)
97-00 Tree-herders (d2)

The Cold North

The mountains of the west from north of Erventon to the Far Pass. Encounters occur 25% of the time every twenty-four hours.

The Cold North: Main Table

01-05 Civilized Peoples
06-16 Humanoid Creatures
17-49 Natural Encounters
50-68 Animal
69-00 Fantastic Creatures

Civilized peoples

01-50 Human
51-75 Elves (2d8)
76-89 Halflings (2d10)
90-95 Dwarves (d20)
99 Gnomes (2d8)
00 Multi-race brigands (2d8)

The Cold North: Human

01-10 Celt hut (d2)
11-15 Celt farmers (d6)
16-20 Tiny Celt village (d20+4)
21-22 Celt village (d100+20)
23-27 Druidic shrine (d10)
28-39 Wandering Feochán (d3)
40-55 Celtic brigands (d20)
56-75 Celtic travelers (d10)
76-00 Masquerade


01-05 Phantasm (1)
06-15 Phantoms (d2)
16-22 Phantom hut (d12)
23-27 Phantom village (d100)
27-45 Werewolves (d8)
46-77 Werebear (1)
78-83 Vampire (1)
84-88 Petraiads (d4)
89-97 Echo (d3)
98-99 Erilenian
00 Deities

The Cold North: Humanoids

01-05 Goblins (3d12)
06-10 Orcs (d12)
11-16 Xolome (2d20)
17-28 Hill Giants (d12)
29-44 Mountain Giants (d6)
45-46 Storm Giants (d2)
47-56 Yeti (d8)
57-81 Ogres (d6)
82-99 Trolls (d4)
00 Splinters (d3)

The Cold North: Natural

01-10 Small stream in path
11-15 Waterfall at path
16-22 Lake or pond
23-27 Cliff drop/face blocks path
28-37 Swarm or flock
38-42 Unmarked Celtic tomb
43 Unmarked Night tomb
44-46 Animal skeleton or corpse
47 Human skeleton or corpse
48 Fantastic skeleton
49-52 Extremely thick forest
53-54 Menhirs or giant’s stairs
55-72 light storm (d100 hours)
73-86 heavy storm (2d20 hours)
87-96 fog (2d12 yards visibility)
97-00 extra hot/cold (d3 days)

The Cold North: Animals

01-04 Rats (d100)
05-11 Bears (d2)
12-15 Stag (1)
16-18 Wolves (d12)
19-25 Owls (d4)
26-31 Deer (d20)
32 Bobc ats (d3)
33-35 Boar (d2)
36-37 Eagles (d4)
38-42 Dire Wolves (d8)
43-49 Bats (d100)
50-58 Goats (2d20)
59-61 Rams (d3)
62-66 Snakes (d10)
67-69 Poisonous snakes (d6)
72-75 Hawks (d6)
76-80 Dogs (d12)
81-89 Spiders (2d20)
90-91 Wolverines (d8)
92-95 Skunks (d6)
96-00 Squirrels (d20)

The Cold North: Fantastic

01-06 Large snakes (d4)
05-08 Giant snakes (d2)
09-16 Large spiders (d20)
17-22 Huge spiders (d12)
23-25 Giant spiders (d8)
26-29 Giant bats (d12)
31-36 Blood hawks (d8)
37-40 Grey-hooked bats (2d8)
41-44 Manticores (d4)
45-55 Dragons
56-84 Deep Creatures
85-93 Undead and Demons
94-99 Faerifolk
00 Unicorn (d3)

The Cold North: Dragons

01-50 Wyverns (d6)
51-75 Cheimon (d2)
76-82 Lesser Dragon (1)
83-87 Forest Dragon (d2)
88-92 Storm Dragon (d2)
93-94 Fire Dragon (d2)
95-97 Absoloth
98-99 Erilenian
00 Tiemen


01-21 Werewolves (d8)
22-33 Phantoms (d20)
34-43 Apparition (1)
44-51 Poltergeist (1)
52-60 Phantasm (1)
61-62 Vampire (1)
63-71 Vampire slaves (d4)
72-82 Restless dead
83-89 Barrowmen (d6)
90-94 Bean si (1)
95-97 Gargoyles (d3)
98-99 Perytons (d6)
00 Brood of Kerberos (d8)

Deep Creatures

01-19 Cucumber, giant (d6)
20-39 Karuat (2d6)
40-48 Great lizards (d2)
49-56 Hanging vines (d8)
57-63 Gas molds (d2)
64-67 Steaming slime (1)
68-70 Green slime (1)
71-72 Red slime (d2)
73-80 Beaked sweepers (1)
81-86 Kugesum (1)
87-89 Gangai (d10)
90-91 Bubbling eyes (1)
92-93 Gakemai (d8)
94-95 Ketelekrae (d2)
96-97 Kamekkipialo (d2)
98-99 Tentamort (1)
00 Aeagarsut (d3)

The Cold North: Faerifolk

01-33 Brownies (d20)
34-63 Petraiads (d8)
64-70 Dryads (d4)
71-75 Naiads (d6)
76-88 Sylphs (d6)
89-00 Satyrs (d20)

The Warm North

The mountains of the east, from the Dowanthal River up to the far pass. Encounters occur 30% of the time every twenty-four hours.

The Warm North: Main Table

01-14 Civilized Peoples
15-29 Humanoid Creatures
30-52 Natural Encounters
53-80 Animal
81-00 Fantastic Creatures

Civilized peoples

01-63 Human
64-68 Elves (2d8)
69 Halflings (2d10)
70-88 Dwarves (d20)
89-90 Gnomes (2d10)
91-00 Multi-race brigands (2d8)

The Warm North: Human

01-07 Celt Hut (d6)
08-11 Celtic Farmers (d8)
12-15 Tiny Celt village (d20+3)
16 Celt Village (d100+20)
17-20 Druidic Shrine (d10)
21-28 Wandering Feochán (d3)
29-50 Jutes (d20)
51-66 Covers (d20)
67-79 Norse (2d10)
80-85 Celtic brigands (d20)
86-89 Celtic travelers (d10)
90-94 Highland brigands (d20)
95-97 Highland travelers (d10)
98-00 Masquerade


01-05 Phantasm (1)
06-15 Phantoms (d2)
16-22 Phantom hut (d12)
23-27 Phantom village (d100)
27-40 Werewolves (d8)
41-50 Wererats (d6)
51-75 Werebear (1)
76-83 Vampire (1)
84-89 Petraiads (d4)
90-97 Echo (d3)
98-99 Alamen
00 Deities

Humanoid Creatures

01-17 Goblins (3d12)
18-23 Orcs (d12)
24-39 Hill Giants (d12)
40-46 Mountain Giants (d6)
47-50 Storm Giants (d2)
51-57 Yeti (d8)
58-85 Ogres (d6)
86-98 Trolls (d4)
99-00 Splinters (d3)

Natural Encounters

01-12 Small stream in path
13-17 Waterfall at path
18-23 Lake or pond
33-36 Cliff drop/face blocks path
37-46 Swarm or flock
47-52 Unmarked Celtic tomb
53 Unmarked Night tomb
54-56 Animal skeleton or corpse
57-58 Human skeleton or corpse
59 Fantastic skeleton
60-68 Extremely thick forest
69-71 Menhirs or giant’s stairs
72-85 light storm (d100 hours)
86-93 heavy storm (d40 hours)
94-96 fog (2d10 yards visibility)
97-00 extra hot/cold (d4 days)

The Warm North: Animals

01-04 Rats (d100)
05-10 Bears (d2)
11-15 Stag (1)
16-18 Wolves (d12)
19-24 Owls (d4)
25-31 Deer (d20)
32-34 Bobcats (d3)
35 Cougar (1)
36-38 Boar (d2)
39 Eagles (d4)
40 Dire Wolves (d8)
41-44 Bats (d100)
45-53 Goats (2d20)
54-56 Rams (d3)
57-61 Spiders (d10)
62-64 Snakes (d3)
65-66 Poisonous snakes (d6)
67-72 Hawks (d6)
73-78 Dogs (d12)
88-90 Wolverines (d8)
91-94 Skunks (d6)
95-00 Squirrels (d20)

Fantastic Creatures

01-06 Large Snakes (d4)
07-11 Giant Snakes (d2)
12-17 Large Spiders (d20)
18-22 Huge Spiders (d12)
23-26 Giant Spiders (d8)
27-31 Giant Bats (d12)
32-40 Blood hawks (d8)
41-47 Pegasi (d4)
48-57 Gryphons (d2)
58-62 Hippogriffs( d3)
63-71 Manticores (d2)
72-76 Rocs (d20)
77-82 Dragons
83-84 Undead and Demons
85-86 Deep Creatures
87-97 Faerifolk
98-99 Unicorn (d3)
00 Phoenix (1)

The Warm North: Dragons

01-55 Wyverns (d6)
56-72 Cheimon (1)
73-79 Lesser Dragon (1)
80-84 Forest Dragon (d2)
85-92 Storm Dragon (d2)
93-95 Water Dragon (d2)
96-98 Fire Dragon (d2)
99 Alamen
00 Erilenian

Undead and Demons

01-30 Werewolves (d8)
31-35 Vampire (1)
36-45 Vampire Slaves (d4)
46-49 Ghouls (d20)
50-64 Phantoms (d20)
65-68 Phantasm (1)
69-73 Barrowmen (d6)
74-80 Poltergeist (1)
81-87 Apparition (1)
88-90 Skeletons (d12)
91-96 Gargoyles (d4)
97-99 Perytons (d8)
00 Brood of Kerberos (d8)

Deep creatures

01-22 Cucumber, giant (d6)
23-35 Oruat (d20)
36-47 Karuat (2d6)
48-58 Sakmat (d8)
59-64 Great lizards (d2)
65-69 Carrion worms (d8)
70-76 Gas molds (d2)
77-84 Red slime (d2)
85-91 Beaked sweepers (1)
92-93 Bubbling eyes (1)
94-95 Ketelekrae (d2)
96-97 Kamekkipialo (d2)
98-00 Tentamort (1)

The Warm North: Faerifolk

01-29 Petraiads (d8)
28-54 Dryads (d12)
55-74 Naiads (d8)
75-79 Sylphs (d4)
80-90 Satyrs (d20)
91-96 Brownies (d12)
97-00 Pixies (2d20)

The Underground

Marshy heat pockets and jungle heat pockets will, 50% of the time, have dangerous plants and animals: roll d6 times on the grove table.

In the underground, plants, especially molds and vines, can grow as often on walls and ceilings as on the “ground”.

Beneath West Highland

Encounters occur on 15% every 24 hours. Salt traps are dangerous: if walked upon, each character must make an Evasion roll or fall in, becoming covered with salt. Suffocation will occur unless the character is removed.

Beneath West Highland: Main Table

01-20 Natural Encounters
21-45 Grove
46-75 Animal
76-86 Intelligent Creature
87-99 Creature
00 Use appropriate above-ground chart

Natural Encounters

01-05 Ice Field
06-26 Lake
27-32 Perpetual Rain
33-38 Dry Heat Pocket
39-45 Marshy Heat Pocket
46-49 Jungle Heat Pocket
50-85 Wide River
86-90 Salt Trap
91-00 Lode

Beneath West Highland: Grove

01-09 Mold Zombie Mold
10-20 Giant Venus Flytraps
21-28 Bloodthorn Bushes
29-39 Killer Toads
40-42 Mold Zombies
43-47 Giant Leaches
48-49 Giant Ground Sloths
50-68 Hanging Vines
69-77 Creeping Slime
78-84 Steaming Slime
85-92 Large Spiders
93-95 Huge Spiders
96-00 Gas Mold

Beneath West Highland: Lode

01-15 Copper
16-35 Iron
36-60 Coal
61-80 Salt
81-90 Fool’s Gold
91-93 Gems
94-95 Silver
96 Gold
97 Diamond
98-99 Oil
00 Adrilamean or Mithril if appropriate

Intelligent Creatures

01-40 Local creatures of area; double chance for village
41-60 Karuat (10% village or 2d6)
61-71 Sakmat (3% village or d20)
72-79 Dwarves (3% or 2d12)
80-92 Oruat (4% village or d8)
93-97 Aeagarsut (1)
98-99 Gakemai (d6)
00 Brilliarch Wights (d8)

Beneath West Highland: Animals

01-18 Rats (d100)
19-27 Snakes (d8)
28-29 Large Snakes (d4)
30 Huge Snake (1)
31-40 Turtles (2d20)
41-45 Hopping Fish (3d6)
46-65 Bats (d1000)
66-74 Giant Bats (d100)
75-83 Giant Rats (d100)
84-93 Giant Lizards (d12)
94-95 Giant Leeches (d8)
96-98 Spiders (d100)
99 Large Spiders (2d10)
00 Huge Spiders (d12

Beneath West Highland: Creatures

01-15 Giant Crickets (2d4)
16-24 Giant Rats (2d20)
25-32 Killer Toads (d6)
33-38 Giant Lizards (d3)
39-44 Carrion Worms (d6)
45-50 Large Spiders (d20)
51-55 Giant Cucumbers (d6)
56-59 Huge Spiders (d10)
60-63 Great Lizards (d3)
64-67 Creeping Slime (1)
68-70 Steaming Slime (1)
71-74 Beaked Sweeper (1)
75-78 Kamekkipialo (1)
79-83 Giant Snake (1)
84-87 Giant Spiders (d3)
88-91 Tentamorts (d2)
92-94 Mold Zombies (d8)
95-96 Kugesum (d6)
97-98 Gangair (d4)
99 Ketelekraer (d2)
00 Bubbling Eyes (1)
  1. Spell Availability
  2. Adventure Guide