Highland: The Elves: Communication

  1. Elven government
  2. The Elves

Forest signs

The so-called “forest language of the Elves” is actually known by only a few Elves. Any of the Rivelaelfte will recognize it. It is used mostly by non-evil Faerie of the wood.

The forest language is a language of signs. Rocks, twigs, and leaves may be arranged to sign the language; markings may be made in dirt or on wood. For those who are unaware of the language, the markings are difficult to see. They blend in with the foliage and look as if they naturally belong.

The forest language may be used to discuss fairly complex but concrete topics. It can be used to discuss things, races, directions, times, colors, actions, and numbers. It is more difficult to use the forest language to discuss individuals, philosophical concepts, and specific items.

The Leaves of History

The Elves have a library filled with scrolls detailing the history of their race and their gods. There are three libraries: one open to any Elf or Elf-friend, one open to trusted Elves or trusted friends, and one open only to the Ilendor. The second library includes much information brought back by the Rivelaelfte about the cultures and ruins of Highland and the surrounding areas.

The third library includes more secret information brought back by the Rivelaelfte, but also includes ancient scrolls predating the Melantalen. Some of these scrolls describe a world completely unlike that in which the Elves currently live.

Communication: Language

Language: Alphabet

The alphabet of the Elves uses seventeen basic glyphs, with two variations of each glyph. You can download what is currently a very unstable truetype font of the Elven alphabet at http://www.hoboes.com/library/downloads/Biblyon/HighlandElvish.zip. This version does not handle circling multiple letters.

Alphabet: Vowels

In Elvish, vowels are mayamuh (maROmE).

i nice, like I set, dead
u soon, flute U sock, rot
a name, ray A brick, sin
e steel, team E muck, run
o own, ode O plan, bad

For vowels, the first variation is a “sharp” (cri) and the second (circled) a “flat” (wol).


Elvish sees two different kinds of consonants. One is maysuh (maZU).

m mayor, mine M white, wonder
b bat, bind B power, plan
v vase, vile V fun, fair

For consonants, the first variation is a “soft” (leng) and the second (circled) a “hard” (mug) pronunciation.


The other kind of consonant is matehss (maDIZ).

r right, ray R yen, you
h happy, home H light, lime, lore
c cold, corn C garden, gamma
n north, night N ring, sang
z zeal, jazz Z soar, sine
s shore, shell S chime, chop
t the, thee T thing, thistle
d deer, dance D tulip, tall
j Jacques, Jean (French) J gem, joke


Two slashes (.) end a sentence. If slashes appear also at the beginning of a sentence, it is an emphasized sentence, or an exclamation. Elvish rarely uses commas, but if it does, a less than and greater than symbol are used (,). Likewise, parenthetical expressions are rare in writing. But when used, the parenthetical is separated by a less than (()and then a greater than ()).

There is no question mark. Questions are preceded by “gar” (CUr). If it is obvious that the statement is or will be a question, however, the “question mark” is omitted.

Language: Word Order

Sentences tend to be in Subject Verb Object order. Adjectives tend to follow the noun they modify.

There is little distinction between nouns and adjectives. If two nouns occur next to each other, the first one tends to be the noun, and the later ones adjectives. Such constructions can be, but are not always, combined into a single word. If such a thing is encountered often or is emblematic, “the tall ruins” is “dimiler”, and “these tall ruins” is “dimileril”. Otherwise, these would be “dimi ler” and “dimilil ler”, respectively.

There are a few exceptions. For example, viredor, or king, will always be preceded by its adjectives.

Language: Dictionary

Word Modifiers

When a modifier connects via a vowel with another word that has the same vowel in that place, the vowel will either be contracted into a single vowel, or an ‘l’ or ‘t’ will be placed between them. In general, if the nearest consonants in the word are mesa, an ‘l’ will be used. If the nearest consonant in the word is a metess a ‘t’ will be used.

bel+ (bIH): empty of, void of

+de (dI): you [verb] (plural you)

den+ (dIn): long, wide

+dor (dor): high, leading, exalted

+(e)da (adU): [noun] was verbed from, verbed out of

+il (eH): this specific [thing]

(+)fey (Va): (does) to, on (something)

ki+ (ce): gerund/noun-ify a verb

+le(+) or +len (HI): (something) of (something else)

+lva (HvE): in, with (service, feeling) for something

+me (me): you [verb] (singular you)

+na+ (nO): like the, as the, of the, as in a comparison between two things

+neng (nIN): southern [thing]

+ore (ora): at the [thing]

ral+ (rOH): 10 of

+rie (rea): passing of, death of

(+)ri (re): [something] and something else

+ta (DE): across the, though the

+thon (tUn): son of [person]

+tie (Di): we [verb]

+tieh (DiI): they [verb] or he, she, it [verbs]

(+) vey (va): [did] to or on something

+vo (vo): in/at a/the [thing or place]

+ya (RE): I [verb]

Nouns and verbs

adril (OdreH): steel

adrilamean (OdrAHOmaOn): a bright, hard, meteoric metal that rivals mithril

alel (OHIH): sky

Alen (OHIn): the Sun

Alveron (OHvaron): the male ruler of the Alvirel

Alvirel (OHvirIH): the Elven pantheon

ambe (Omba): great, powerful, strong

ambean (OmbaOn): death

Ambelide (OmbIHeda): The Tyrant (a constellation and medoral)

amean (OmaOn): illumination, light

amro (Omro): pour (refreshing liquid)

ano (Ono): to set (as sun, star, moon)

Arador (OrEdor): Goddess of Memory and Learning

ark (Urc): paper

arkil (UrceH): book

arlie (OrHeI): wisdom, understanding

arlin (UrHAn): forest

Arlindor (UrHAndor): High Forest of the Alvirel

Avieglien (UveaCHeIn): messenger-god and trickster

bari (bUre): is for, exists for

bedaroltav (badUroHDOv): juggler

Bedaroltav (badUroHDOv): The Juggler (a constellation and medoral)

bien (bean): until such time as, until

caero (cUaro): the lands, the countries

Careleran (cOrIHarOn): Elven Lands (Long Lakes)

Carenarlindor (cOrInUrHAndor): High Forest, the Elven homeland

caro (caro): ground, land, country

Cartoril (carDoreH): Elven Island (Eastern Continent)

cri (cre): a sharply pronounced vowel

dagla (dOCHE): to guide, to lead

danvir (dOnver): spiders

daro (dOro): to bear, carry, use

daya (dURE): I am [something]

deme (dIma): three

dier (dear): carried, transported

dimi (deme): ruins

egla (aCHE): message

eglien (aCHeOn): messenger, courier

elanvedo (IHOnvado): welcome to (a place)

elda (IHdE): sight, eyesight

eleber (IHabar): to appear as from nowhere, to come into sight as a surprise

elessan (IHIIZOn): swords, weapons

elessar (IHIZUr): starlight

elide (IHeda): eyes

eran (arOn): snow

Erilen (arAHIn): Winter

ero (aro): to snow

evano (avOno): from henceforth, from now on, in the future

eyanvir (IROnver): butterfliders

fedama (VIdUmE): to defeat in battle

fediam (VIdeOm): [someone] defeated in battle [someone else]

fien (VeIn): wind

gar (CUr): the following sentence is a question

genesiervel (CInIZearvIH): the screaching dead

Genesiervel (CInIZearvIH): The Banshee (a constellation and medoral)

Giblen (CAbHIn): short Night Troll

hik (hAc): new

idal (edOH): care

idali (edOHe): carefully

Ilendor (eHIndor): Elven Council

iltava (eHDUvE): weaving

ire (era): silence

Iredana (eradUnE): The goddess of weavers and the bearer of the thread of life

Karug (caruC): Dwarves, as a race

Karvan (carvOn): Summer

Kiero (cearo): Elven peoples (Long Lakes)

Kilanv (ceHOnv): year

Kilian (ceHeOn): Elven peoples (Dark Forest)

Kilon (ceHUn): Halflings

Kimel (cemIH): Elven peoples (River Valley)

Kir (cer): Elves (of Cartoril)

kiriev (cereIv): love

kirivel (cerivIH): living

komor (comor): squirrel

Komor (comor): The Squirrel (a constellation and medoral)

komorleran (comorHarIn): snow squirrel

lanvo (HOnvo): to circle, revolve

lavel (HOvIH): to protect

lear (HIUr): smith

leece (HeZ): hatred, racial

lelanv (HaHOnv): during, in the time of

lelern (HIHarn): bird, sparrow

Lelern (HIHarn): The Sparrow (a constellation and medoral)

lene (HInI): above

Lenecarilestetel (HInIcarAHIZDIDIH): The Deep Forest

leng (HIN): a soft consonant

lentav (HInDOv): fire

Lentav (HInDOv): The Fire (a constellation and medoral)

ler (HIr): tall

Leralv (HIrOHv): the Long Lakes

lero (HIro): tallest

Lerovian (HIroveOn): North Star

lian (HAOn): tree

Lian (HAOn): The Tree (a constellation and medoral)

lilen (HeHIn): protector

lirel (HerIH): sword

Lirel (HerIH): The Long Sword (a constellation and medoral)

lon (HUn): an animal burrow in the ground

madra (mUdrE): to forge

maedra (mUadrE): forged

Magiblen (mOCAbHIn): large Night Troll

mayama (maROmE): vowel

Medoral (mIdorOH): star's month

Medoralenalveron (mIdorOHInOHvaron): Alveron’s month

Melantalen (mIHOnDOHIn): the Cataclysm

mele (mIHI): humans

melo (mIHo): to rain

mentav (mInDOv): magic

mentavassar (mInDOvEZUr): sorcerors

mesa: a lip-formed consonant

metess (maDIZ): a mouth consonant

meth (mIt): our

Mien (meIn): Dragon

mithril (metrAH): Elven steel

Morefien (moraVeIn): the god of ocean, lake, and river

morilvan (morAHvOn): traveller, wanderer

morlv (morHv): river

Morlv (morHv): The River (a constellation and medoral)

mug (mEC): a hard consonant

natang (nEDON): battle, serious fight

ngor (Nor): cold, adjective

panvono (BOnvUno): victory

rael (rUIH): peace, serenity

Ralmostine (rOHmoZDen): 980 years

ralv (rOHv): lake

ralvana (rOHvUnE): boat

Ralvana (rOHvUnE): The Boat (a constellation and medoral)

rejh (rIj): stone, rock

rerar (rIrOr): forget

ril (reH): metal

rivel (rivIH): life

Rivelaelfte (rivIHaHVDI): Elven scouts

rugo (ruCo): earth

samessang (ZOmIZON): armies, troops

siero (Zearo): horrible

siervel (ZearvIH): undead

Talen (DOHIN): day (sunrise)

tang (DON): war

tava (DOvO): craftsmanship

tel (DIH): deep (below)

Temas (DamUz): 7 years (14, old)

teno (Dano): to rise (as sun, star, moon)

thlien (tHeIn): turned back, sent away, forced away

tial (DAOH): reign

Tialnambe (DeOHnOmba): A great princess of the elder race of man

tien (DeIn): eagle

Timostine (DemozDen): 98 years (196, old)

tir (Der): moon

Tirtalien (DerDOHeIn): the female ruler of the Alvirel

tor (Dor): high, exalted

toraln (DorOHn): star

Toralne Deme (DorOHnadIma): The Three Stars (a constellation and medoral)

toril (DoreH): silver

torilvan (DoreHvOn): constellation

valon (vOHUn): along side, along with, joined with

vana (vUnE): horse

vaneda (vUnadU): to appear/arrive (somewhere)

vano (vOno): to ride (a riding animal), to sail (a boat)

vel (vIH): under, protected by, shrouded by

velire (vIHera): to disappear (from sight)

vera (verO): gratitude, thanks

vest (vIZD): cavern

Vestelerivel (vIZDIHIrivIH): Caverns of Life

vi (ve): not, no

vian (viOn): rolling plains

viredor (verIdor): ruler, king

virethon (verITUn): prince

vlang (vHUN): scream, yell

vonorel (vUnorIH): unicorn

Vonorel (vUnorIH): The Unicorn (a constellation and medoral)

wenthes (mInTIz): was presented to, was gifted to

weos (MaUz): present to, gift to, give to

were (MIrI): mountain

weta (MaDA): to leave, go, disappear (from somewhere)

wol (MUH): a flatly pronounced vowel

  1. Elven government
  2. The Elves